Ten Napel Farmer Pro Hoof Trimming Crush
The Ten Napel Farmer Pro Hoof Trimming Crush is a user friendly, highly efficient unit for the professional farmer.
- Frame made of high quality steel (1.0038 / S235JR) , fully welded, complete galvanized and all corner reinforces. Aluminum plate floor with rubber (Dunlomat) cover. Standard extra wide rebar grating floor on aft side of the frame. Complete Dunlomat floor optional.
The Ten Napel Farmer Pro Hoof Trimming Crush is suitable for all cattle, cows and bulls.
- Equipped with adjustable, solid “Texas” door, mounted in heavy duty hinges.
- Adjustable doors type ‘’Donegal” optional.
- Hydraulically Manually operated (handles) and completely adjustable.
- Hydraulically operated “Solid Backbar”. Two hydraulic cylinders are used to operate. Lower part is spring loaded for optimal guiding of aft leg.
- Standard with extra fixation bar (W).
- Hydraulically operated belly band with durable rubber band 18 cm. (1400 kg lifting force)
- Hydraulically operated aft leg with animal friendly band, guided by nylon rollers and completely adjustable.
- Both belly band and heel sling are attached to a long life steel chain.
- Hydraulically operated front leg support, with wood support blocks
- 2 lead-in gates and floor grill as standard
- 230V power supply (400V optional)
- 24Vdc operation system
- 24Vdc work lights (optional)
- 2 x 3 socket box for power tools (IP55)
- 3 LED working lights standard.
- 1 x emergency stop on left side of the unit
- Lifting eyes for internal transport.